Pages, our family

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Too much time on the computer!?!?

Am I the only one or does it seem like in bloggy land I spend way too much time on the computer? How much time? Well I would hate to add it all up. Between the little bit of time I spend on my own blog to all the other great blogs out there that I love to read it can be very time consuming. I remember a few years ago when I spent NO time on the computer except to check an occasional email through the local homeschool group. This then developed into finding tons of info in general about homeschooling. After that I somehow stumbled across a few blogs. Large Family Living, Lockwood Family and Joel's Journey were some of the first ones I read regularly. Then it seemed like everyone was blogging. I have enjoyed finding and reading so many blogs, oh yeah there was also Money Saving Mom who really got me started with coupons and all that good stuff. But when does it become too much? Back to the original question. I have to admit that on my daily schedule of our free time/rest time in the afternoon I could go straight to the computer and waste many precious minutes. Not that looking at everyones blog is a waste but you know what I mean. This is not healthy for me, the kids, my husband, the house and the list could go on. I seem to let things go that I need to get done and then complain that I don't have enough time. Or worse yet after reading about everyone else I then get off the computer feeling like a complete failure as a Mom and ya know I wish I could do it all as good as they could attitude. Now isn't that crazy, I am who I am and that's just how it is. I know I have plenty to work on but that's okay. I don't want to cut out blogging altogether but I do want to put a limit on time spent on the computer. My girls enjoy their blogs so much but they are young and have extra time to have this as a hobby. Hubby has a blog but it doesn't consume him ( I still want to link our blogs together, it's on the to-do list). I started this blog to keep up with pictures and also plain everyday stuff or exciting new adventures. So how did this happen? Not really sure but I do know that I will try to limit 30 minutes maybe a couple times a week. We'll see how that goes. Okay so I have shared my personal feelings. This is not to say that everyone spends too much time on blogs, it's just an area in my life that I need to refocus and cut back on.


  1. I totally understand where you are coming from Missy. I was that way with Facebook. I would turn on the laptop and all day I would check it...but Natalee has become my Facebook police. When she sees me headed that way, she lets out a scream. LOL. I try to limit myself to it now. It was a good way to escape reality for a while, but I found myself escaping way toooo much. Ha ha! I totally understand. :-)

  2. I understand and feel the same way myself some days. Just keeping up with my friends takes some time. I do make sure I have done my Bible reading and studying before I sit down to the computer though. For a while I had it backwards!

  3. Can't we all relate to that predicament at one time or another? I know I can.

    You know what always makes me feel completely hopeless, is those homeschooling magazines with those perfect families on the cover :-p I don't get those anymore :-)

    I love all the blogs I visit. They are sooo real and it helps me feel connected to someone who lives and feels the same way I do. We have even met some of our bloggy friends which is totally awesome to do!

    All that to say, I think that the fact you even are worried about it is a good sign that you aren't going to become a bloggy junkie :-)

    Plus there's too much wonderful sunshine going on right now to stay inside.

    Have a glorious day! ~Cinnamon

  4. I completely relate to this post Missy. I was looking for homeschooling information originally and then found the couponing frugal living blogs... then, I found so many blogs out there that I loved to read. Kinda made friendly with some too.

    But I had to limit myself to a few minutes here and there. I still have my favorite blogs I look at every couple days, but sometimes I am left feeling like I am not doing as good a job as that mother. That mother with perfect children, the ones that seem to work in harmony and sing a tune together all day. :) I love their ideas and apply some to our family, but we are not them. We are this family...the ones learning to serve the Lord together everyday.

    Many blessings to you,

    btw, I found your blog via a comment you left at one of those beautiful family blogs. You have a very beautiful family. I'll visit again soon.

  5. I can relate to this post very well. I too am trying to find that "happy balance". Some days seem more difficult than others. I'm going to try do limit myself to only certain times a couple of days a week. Thanks for leaving a comment on my blog, btw. Your family looks very sweet. :)
